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areca nut 檳榔果。

“ they used to come for food , coconuts and bananas , “ said m . rajendran , who runs a roadside tea shop on the edge of the reserve . “ now , they come for tobacco and paan an addictive mixture of betel leaves and areca nut . “他們以前來這里是為了獲取食物椰子和香蕉,但是現在他們的目標變成了香煙和哌安一種由萎葉和檳榔果制成的混合物,食用容易使人上癮。 ”

areca palm

“ they used to come for food , coconuts and bananas , “ said m . rajendran , who runs a roadside tea shop on the edge of the reserve . “ now , they come for tobacco and paan an addictive mixture of betel leaves and areca nut . “他們以前來這里是為了獲取食物椰子和香蕉,但是現在他們的目標變成了香煙和哌安一種由萎葉和檳榔果制成的混合物,食用容易使人上癮。 ”